The Wedding of

Kepada Yth. Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/i

Mohon maaf jika ada kesalahan penulisan nama/gelar.

Ya Tuhan Yang Maha Pengasih, anugrahkanlah kepada pasangan ini tanpa terpisahkan, panjang umur, semoga pernikahan ini dianugrahkan putra-putri dan cucu yang memberi penghiburan, tinggal di rumah yang penuh kebahagiaan.

(Reg Weda X. 85.42)

Atas Asung Kertha Wara Nugraha Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa/Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, kami bermaksud mengundang Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/i, pada Acara Pawiwahan (Pernikahan) kami :

I Putu Gede Giri Satriawan, S.Pd.

Putra pertama dari pasangan
Bapak I Putu Somayasa
Ibu Anak Agung Istri Karang Trisilawati, Amd.Keb.


Ni Luh Putu Julia Purnama Dewi, S.Pd.

Putri pertama dari pasangan
Bapak I Made Tono
Ibu Ni Nengah Sunarti

Merupakan suatu kehormatan dan kebahagiaan bagi kami sekeluarga, apabila Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/I berkenan hadir dan memberikan doa restu kepada kedua mempelai pada:

Resepsi Pernikahan



Pukul 14.00 – 21.00 WITA

Jl. Raya Besakih, Pesaban,
Karangasem – Bali

Tambahkan ke kalender

Jl. Raya Besakih, Pesaban,
Karangasem – Bali

Buka di Google Maps

Klik tombol diatas untuk membuka maps


Tanpa mengurangi rasa hormat kami, apabila Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/i bermaksud untuk memberikan hadiah pernikahan, silahkan berikan hadiah anda melalui transfer ke rekening berikut:

Nomor Rekening
Atas nama
I Putu Gede Giri Satriawan

Salin Rekening

Nomor Rekening
Atas nama
Ni Luh Putu Julia Purnama Dewi

Salin Rekening

Our Love Story

  • The First Meeting – January 4th, 2016
    We had different departments in the college, but we were in the same group to represent our faculty (Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences) at the 2016 Undiksha Anniversary event in the Vocal Group category. We didn’t get any trophies, but we won the Trophy of Love✨🥰
  • Start Dating – February 2nd 2016 at 2pm💓
    We had 2 trips to East Bali. The first stop was at Amed Beach, where we did snorkeling activities. The second stop is Taman Ujung Karangasem which is also known as Ujung Water Palace. We decided to be together from that day, in that place, at 2 pm. A magical place where “Thunder gonna shake the ground”. Heavy rain and overwhelming feelings. One thing that is on our minds is one day we will return to that place to collect beautiful memories in the form of pre-wedding photos. Love is in the air✨💓
  • Long Distance Relationship – 2019 & 2020
    We finished our undergraduate thesis in different years, so we were quite often separated between Canggu-Pesaban, Canggu-Budaga, Canggu-Singaraja, Singaraja-Pesaban, and Singaraja-Budaga. These years were years when conflicts continued to emerge and became more frequent. You know what? Undergraduate thesis is one of the most difficult tests of love where everything can happen to your relationship if your undergraduate thesis is accidentally deleted from your laptop.
  • Being in the worst situation together – December 11th 2020🦠
    We are positive for Covid-19. We did isolation together for 18 days in Klungkung Hospital at room number 301. 15 days in hospital and 3 days at home for recovery. One thing we are very grateful for, at least we are still together in the same place, same time, and in the same circumstances. So that we are not feel lonely and are strong enough to face these obstacles.
  • Being in the worst situation together Part 2 – February 22nd 2022🦠
    We were infected with Covid-19 for the second time. Because we had received the first vaccine injection, of course it wasn’t as bad as when we were first infected, but we still carried out self-isolation together for 10 days.
  • Prewedding Day – September 2nd 2023👰🏻‍♀️🤵🏻‍♂️
    We return to the place where this journey started. Remembering memories from 7 years ago when we were just students who couldn’t even dream that this was possible, but this day we living our dream. A journey that really drains a lot of energy in struggling together through the twists and turns of life. Until finally this day came and brought us one step closer to tying the knot 🎀✨
  • Wedding Event Series – Oct 13,16,17 2023
    Oct 13th is our Proposal day
    Oct 16th is our Wedding day
    Oct 17th is our Wedding party

We walked separately with dim flashlights until we passed each other and our path was brightly lit

Atas kehadiran dan doa restu Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/i, kami ucapkan terima kasih.

Kami yang berbahagia,


Mohon konfirmasi kehadiran anda dengan mengisi form dibawah ini

Wedding Wish

Exclusive Online Invitation by